18095 330th St, Conrad, IA 50621

Steckelberg Vet Clinic Blog

Making the Most of Quarantine with Your Pets

May 10, 2020

While COVID-19 quarantines continue across the country, you may be spinning your wheels to stay busy, productive, and positive. Luckily, our pets provide a great deal of comfort and companionship despite the isolation and stress caused by the Novel Coronavirus. As dogs and cats get used to having you at home, you may need to add some new activities to your repertoire to help keep them busy and make the most of your time together.


Spring into Spring with These 3 Pet Safety Tips

April 15, 2020

Are you ready to hop into spring? We sure are. In spite of the uncertainties of this unprecedented time, we are happy to see so many people (distantly) uniting and finding creative ways to be the community we’re proud to serve. From treasure-hunt style Easter egg hunts to the resurgence of “Victory Gardens,” it’s heartwarming to see folks looking out for each other while staying safe and healthy.


Make Your Pet’s Dental Health a Reason to Smile

February 14, 2020

Did you know that February is National Pet Dental Health Month? We love that this month is devoted to your canine’s canines, your kitty’s chompers, and your pet’s pearly whites. While your companion’s mouth may be a source of kisses and smiles, pet parents may overlook how much their pet’s dental health affects their overall well-being.



Recent Posts

Pet Poison Prevention: Common Household Dangers & How to Keep Your Pet Safe

Pets are naturally curious, which can sometimes get them into trouble. Many everyday items that seem harmless to humans can be extremely dangerous to our furry companions. Knowing what’s poisonous to pets and how to prevent accidental ingestion can help keep your pet safer.

Since March 16-22 is Pet Poison Prevention Week, it’s a good time to take a look at your home through your pet’s eyes for the presence of foods, plants or household cleaners that could put their health at risk. Let's ensure your home remains a safe haven for your furry family members by learning how to spot and prevent these hidden dangers.

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Pet Owner’s Springtime Checklist

Have you thrown yourself into your spring cleaning? If you’re like most people, you’re airing out the house, getting some plants in the ground, and enjoying the beauty of this season with your pet by your side. In fact, this is one of the best times of year to be a pet–the birds and squirrels are active and back to their favorite hobby of entertaining our dogs and cats, and the weather is perfect for letting some fresh air in for your cat or taking your dog on a long walk. If you’ve knocked out your spring cleaning and are ready to move on to some pet care musts, we’re here to help! We put together a list to help you plan your springtime pet care.

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Keeping Pets Safe and Healthy: Essential Tips for Pet Poison Prevention

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, every year, thousands of pets are affected by accidental poisoning. To raise awareness about common poisons and how we can prevent our pets from being exposed to them, Pet Poison Prevention Month is observed in March.

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Our Mission

Steckelberg Veterinary Clinic is committed to providing high-quality, personal, affordable
veterinary services to our clients. Our team strives to serve small and large animal clients to strengthen
the human-animal bond. Founded in 1960, we continue to be family-owned and work to make a positive
impact in our community.

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